Over 23,000 open space acres sit in the heart of the SF Peninsula. The area is closed to the public while being surrounded by other public space including: Pacifica & Sweeney Ridge (GGNRA) in the North Sawyer Camp Trail (San Mateo…
Work Trip: Ann Arbor Outdoors
Three business travel essentials include: 1) my trailrunning shoes, 2) trail clothes and 3) headlamp. I can explore the outdoors without taking much extra luggage space. I spent the past week at the University of Michigan Business School’s executive education…
The Art of the 24 Hour Trip
Getting outside and exploring a new place energizes me. There is no replacement for exercise, fresh air, and pushing boundaries in the mountains. Caring for two young boys and a demanding career make it difficult to escape for long periods. …
Thru-Hiking on iTunes
For those looking for a way to connect w/ the outdoors while indoors, check out the http://thetrailshow.com/. It focuses on long distance hiking, beer, and general frivolity. Here’s a quick note that the Trail Show read on a recent…
Sub 24 Hour Trip: Climbing Mt Reba
Only five roads cross the Sierra south of Lake Tahoe, and I had only explored four of them until March 6. On that Friday my friend Mark and I climbed Mount Reba along Route 4. Our climb started at the…
Gear Review: The North Face Thermoball Hoody
I have the honor of being part of The North Face Locals (TNF Locals) ambassador program. TNF Locals is a program where avid, outdoor enthusiasts (but not professional athletes) get an opportunity to share stories about the latest innovations from…
Pacifica Hike: Beaches, Whale Watching, Cliffs, & Taco Bell
Pacifica, CA is a quality destination – especially on a sunny winter day w/ – Significant open space on the coast & 1900’ Montara Mountain – Multi-sport activities like surfing, cycling, running, fishing, & whale watching – A fast food…

Backpacking with Kids: Angel Island State Park
Backpacking in Angel Island is special: Sports one of the best urban camping areas in the nation with world class views of San Francisco, Marin & the Golden Gate Bridge Acts as a portal into SF history. Chapters include the…
World Class Hike: Ano Nuevo SP Elephant Seals
During summers growing up in suburban Pittsburgh, I watched the BBC show Nature w/ George Page everyday and imagined those exceptional places. Living in the Bay Area, I can now visit world class destinations with just a reasonable drive. My sons…
Gear Review: Gossamer Gear Mariposa at the Bay Area Ridge Trail
My backpacking style and gear has evolved over the years. While in the Boy Scouts at age 16, I saved for rugged but heavy Gregory Massif. I used it backpacking in KY, TN, and NC, and trailbuilding a summer in…